Ms Carol Allen

Ms Carol Allen has worked as a CEO in the community sector for more than 30 years, with experience in the early childhood and family services sectors. She recently accepted a Board role with ApolloCare, who have recently taken over The Bays Aged Care in Hastings.
Carol was a Director of Sapphire Care Holdings from 2003 and CEO and Director of BlueCross, operating 35 residential homes and home care, from 2006 until 2014. After retiring from BlueCross, she took on the role of CEO Sapphire International, opening the first Sino/Australian aged care home in Beijing.

Carol served as a Board member of the Victorian peak body for aged services, Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA), until it was restructured to become a national body in 2016. She joined The Bays Healthcare Group in 2016, bringing her aged care knowledge and experience to the Board. Carol is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of the people we care for. She is also on the Advisory Board of TeleCare, a telehealth company.